E.U. state completes mass inspection of bomb shelters

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(RT) – Finland has announced the completion of a mass inventory of its bomb shelters, amid concerns raised by Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. According to the Interior Ministry, the country has over 50,500 active shelters.

According to the Finnish government, 91% percent of shelters were found to be robust enough to sustain an attack conducted with conventional weapons, while 83% can provide shelter from chemical or nuclear emergencies. All the facilities are equipped with ventilators, impervious doors, stackable beds, and even dry closets, which are required by law.

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In total, the shelters can fit some 4.8 million inhabitants in case of an attack, the inspections found. According to the latest census, Finland’s population totals 5.5 million people. The majority of shelters were found to be in suitable condition and some are currently being used to house swimming pools, sports centers, and even a Santa Claus theme park.

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