I used to think that Moses’ encounter with God in the Egyptian desert was … well, just odd. You may remember that Moses noticed a burning bush, but the fire did not consume it. That aroused Moses’ curiosity, and he went closer to see if there was something else to see. As he approached the fire, the bush spoke to him, “Remove your shoes, for you are standing on Holy Ground.”
When God gave Moses the assignment to free His people, Moses asked who was sending him. God responded, “I Am Who I Am and What I Am, and I Will Be What I Will Be; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I Am has sent me to you!” (AMPC Exodus 3:14)
Well, that exchange would certainly have gotten my attention! But what stands out to me from the conversation was the name that God used to identify himself to Moses: “Tell them that I Am, has sent me to you.”
The modern world is about to have its own “I Am” introduction. More specifically, the pharaohs of today are about to have their own encounter with the same “I Am” who spoke to Moses in the desert from the burning bush. Egypt’s pharaoh had enslaved the Israelites long before our modern world ever “evolved” into existence. This encounter will be every bit as enlightening to the pharaohs of today as it was to Egypt’s pharaoh, when the Red Sea closed over him and his army as they chased the escaping Israelites to destroy them for leaving.
The name “I Am” used to puzzle me. It no longer puzzles me. Ancient Egypt’s pharaoh did not believe that a Creator God existed, or that He had any power against pharaoh’s army as they pursued their escaping Israelite slaves. Yet Egypt’s pharaoh learned otherwise, in a single encounter during an “impossible” event.
Wakie, wakie, Great Resetters and other pharaohs throughout the “modern” world: You didn’t create the world. You don’t own it. And your reign of error will amount to nothing more than Ancient Egypt’s chariots, horses and soldiers, the ones whose bones were picked clean by the fishies in the Red Sea.
When our modern world discovers that “I Am” still exists, a lot of over-inflated balloons are going to go “POP” at the same time. God mentions His Glory in the Bible, but this Glory will appear different, depending on who looks upon it. To a child of God, this Glory will be the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. To those people unwise enough to pick apart God’s creation, to appropriate it for their own egos, it will be the most terrifying thing they have ever seen!
“I Am that I Am” will make His existence clear to all of us in the way He takes down today’s pharaohs.
The Bible often seems to focus on some of the worst elements of human nature, and the various denominations do what they will do with those examples. But it does seem that human nature, left to its own devices, often ends up on the wrong side of God’s will for us, which is eternity with Him. It will soon be way more than very clear that appropriating God’s most prized creation – the man and the woman – then enslaving them and trying to re-engineer them was a very bad idea.
Perhaps those hell-bent on enslaving others are themselves enslaved by another whom they do not know. The war for the soul of the man and the woman has been long and difficult. Free will, even our own, is often difficult to deal with, let alone get pointed in the right direction.
God values human free will even to the cost of Christ on the Cross. Jesus paid the price for each of us, but we have to come to that place in our lives where we not only understand it, but where we can accept it. That’s also where we can see what human free will, untouched by God, looks like. Repentance is the only currency God recognizes at the foot of the Cross.
Because many of us are curious, we turn to the end of the book first, to see what happens. But God gave Daniel a thumbnail long before, in the Old Testament. It describes the big picture clearly. Here Daniel relates it to the King:
“You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you; and its form was awesome. This image’s head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” (AMPC Daniel 2:31-35)
Who do you believe? The God who gave both John and Daniel their revelations, or the “AI” circuitry today’s pharaohs want to use to rewrite the Bible?
Choices, choices. Ah, there’s that free will thing again. Who do we trust? The God who created us, or the AI circuitry created by those who would enslave the whole world with their lies and exploit it for their own lusts?
Daniel makes clear that the coming Christian world will arrive unexpectedly, and will forever alter the world that we – and the great resetters – both know. Are you ready for God’s Great Reset?
Reconnaissance, The Creator Returns, by Craige McMillan
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