What they’re doing to Bibi: A rehearsal for disqualifying Trump?

By Mike Pottage

Everyone who is concerned about the future of the United States of America should read the first two paragraphs of Caroline Glick’s Sept. 1 column on the state of governance in Israel. It is an interesting column to the end, but an American reader may be struck by its universal application.

Here they are:

“On Sept. 28, Israel’s Supreme Court is expected to rule in favor of a petition from the far-left Movement for Quality Government to overturn the Nov. 1, 2022 elections.

In January, MQG petitioned the Supreme Court asking the justices to ban newly sworn-in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from serving in office. MQG argued that, with all due respect to the 2.4 million Israelis who voted for Netanyahu, as a criminal defendant, Netanyahu is legally ‘incapacitated’ from performing his duties in office and, therefore, the Supreme Court should order Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara to declare Netanyahu ‘incapacitated’ and oust him from power.”

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When a nation can vote, and that vote may be overturned based upon unproven allegations, there is only one word that describes the outcome: dictatorship.

Glick was writing about Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu. She might as well have been writing about the United States of America, for she accurately described the election processes here.

Before you dismiss the comparison as a conspiracy theory, remember, people do conspire for political and economic power. There are conspiracy theories only because there are real conspiracies.

Israel’s dilemma is mirrored in the United States of America. Precisely the same tactics include abusing the role of Congress to attack the president, using the judiciary and federal law enforcement to throw an election, and an endless stream of accusations of criminal behavior. Unrelenting, the Marxist conspirators in 2023/24 will try to thwart Donald Trump’s campaign, smear his name and if that fails, stuff those drop boxes. If that is not enough, Democratic secretaries of state already are trying to keep his name off the ballot, and the conspirators already have admitted they will resort to the same tactic currently in vogue in Israel to turn an accusation into a conviction without a proper adjudication.

Democrats already are shouting that since Donald Trump is charged and allegations have been made, he cannot run for office. It is certain Democrats will find a judge to so order. Have the courts declare Trump unfit to serve, rip the decision from the voters, and empower themselves to place the next president in office.

There are two Marxist goals here. First, cause chaos. Second, seize power.

This seems like a really big deal, given Israel’s strategic position in a region of the world not known for stability. This seems like a really big deal because it so closely mirrors the Democratic Party tactics deployed since the election of Barack Obama. Remember, Obama and his team sent Democratic political operatives to Israel to defeat Netanyahu. Eventually, it worked – but Netanyahu made a comeback, making this latest repeat attack very newsworthy.

And that is precisely why the American media charged with covering such matters has virtually shut down any reporting on it. Americans only read or see news that paints Benjamin Netanyahu as the bad guy.

To tell the American people the truth, to tell them what the collapse of Israel would mean to the world, would expose the identical Marxist/Democrat plan for the U.S.A. People might discover their own country is in peril.

The awakening of Americans to the dangers to the homeland probably is the only force in the world great enough to chart freedom’s choice over socialist revolutionaries.

The truth about the threat to Israel exposes the truth about the campaign against the United States of America. It is worth noting the revealing information did not come from a political writer who specializes in American politics, but from a writer focused upon the future of Israel.

The threat to the world is the loss of individual freedom everywhere.

Here is Caroline Glick’s entire column.

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Mike Pottage

Mike Pottage has been a political reporter, columnist and newspaper editor headquartered in Los Angeles and Sacramento for more than 45 years. Read more of Mike Pottage's articles here.

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