Former teacher of 30 years quits job over ‘out of control’ students, low pay

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(FOX BUSINESS) – Teachers nationwide are quitting their jobs at an alarming rate. Florida’s Lee County School District is dealing with a major shortage, with several teachers quitting after feeling financially undervalued and facing a lack of discipline among students.

Stacey Sawyer is one of the many teachers choosing to cut ties with her 30-year career as an educator, arguing that students’ behavior has gotten “out of control” since the pandemic.

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“The behavior issues have gotten out of control from a lot of things. There are no subs for teachers, so they’re having to work during their planning and take over other classes,” Sawyer said during an appearance on “The Big Money Show.” “Those classes are getting inundated with more and more students. The district just puts more work on to the teachers and there is no extra pay. And I think that teachers are just – they’re tired. ‘Teacher tired’ is a whole different ballgame, and they’ve had enough.”

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