Will lawfully resisting tyranny soon be a crime in America?

By Around the Web

(AMERICAN THINKER) — Interestingly, in the playbook of most Americans, tyranny used to be considered a bad thing. In fact, there are a few of us left who remember a time when the absence of tyranny was exactly what made the people around the world envy us.

Indeed, was it not our liberating independence from the shackles of King George’s tyranny that was, far and away, the leading claim-to-fame of our founding fathers? Yet today, the tides of history appear to be turning as we watch the tell-tale signs of a despotism that is presently re-appearing on this side of the pond too.

Frighteningly however, this time around, it appears to be a tyranny that is emerging from within the very institutions those founders established in the hope of keeping it at bay. And, indeed, there are some among us who are seeming to enjoy the ride as our country travels down a path toward what could soon become an absolute totalitarian state, if it is not stopped … and soon.

By definition, tyrants are those who, for whatever reason, have been empowered to write, interpret, and enforce any such laws as they alone may feel are even remotely necessary and appropriate for them to protect and retain their power.

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