Pull the trigger on ‘the people’s legal system’

By Email to the Editor

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We hold this truth self-evident, our Creator-given and unalienable right … “that if any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it (or them) … and replace it (them) for their safety and happiness.” – first law of the United States, Section 1, U.S. legal code, organic (foundational) LAW!

The Democratic Arizona Bar Association is disbarring conservative lawyers who may try to question the vote fraud planned for the state’s 2024 election. The Colorado Democratic legal system has used a fake trial of sedition on President Trump to remove him from the 2024 ballot.

If this election manipulation and fraud are allowed to stand, Democrats will have destroyed our electoral system, and our freedom and liberty will be forfeited. We are a dictatorship! We the people have a solution for that, however. You see, when these things happen, where the very foundations of the Republic are destroyed, then we the people become the secondary legal system with self-evident, Creator-given, unalienable right to deal with it, or them – “any form of” them.

Are there any courageous patriots reading this? What say you?

David L. Cook

Cover up the devil

Regarding the recent stories about satanic displays going up in state capitols – here’s a simple solution. While it remains standing, what keeps the governor from simply having a screen or wall erected around it to block it from view. There’s nothing stating it must be visibly displayed. Problem solved!


DEI reimagined

A more accurate meaning of “DEI” is “Demonic Evil Idol.”



A terrorist is a terrorist

It’s terrific that commentator Van Jones is standing up for Jewish students who feel threatened on America’s elite college campuses and elsewhere.

But he is wrong about the late Nelson Mandela being someone who is incomparable to Hamas and the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel.

Mr. Mandela signed off on the 1983 Church Street bombing in South Africa. This terrorist attack was carried out by the ANC’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe.

The attack was planned for rush hour so it could maximize casualties. Clearly, it was a rousing “success,” as 100 innocent people were injured. No less than 19 people died in the attack, including seven blacks.

Since he personally signed off on the Church Street bombing, Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. Period. Just like any other terrorist.

In his book, “Long Walk to Freedom,” he addresses the Church Street bombing, with regret.

In the meanwhile, considering that Mr. Jones received $100 million from Jeff Bezos, maybe he can hire a history tutor.

This whole episode once again sadly demonstrates that our society desperately needs the very best people in positions of influence. I would cite academia, the military, the media and government. We need strong, courageous men and women who can articulate truth and provide a new direction for the future. Our nation and Western civilization are hanging in the balance.

The best of the best need to step forward – today. Amateur hour is over.

Anthony LoBaido

Israel and Israelites

To Pastor Allen Jackson [regarding “Israel’s land: Separating fact from propaganda”]: You write, “It’s important to understand some basic history.” That requires that you understand those people claiming to be 1948 “Israel” today are NOT descended of biblical Israelites! Get that fact straight and the Mideast makes sense.

Leonard Schmidt

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Email to the Editor

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