Schools as ‘Epstein Islands’: Former teacher goes scorched earth against ‘indoctrination’

By Around the Web


(WORLD TRIBUNE) – Ryan Walters, who only four years ago, was a popular Oklahoma high-school teacher known for his spirited Advanced Placement history lessons, is now the elected Oklahoma schools superintendent and one of the most outspoken critics of the woke “indoctrination” he says is transforming America’s public schools. He’s not holding back.

Since taking office last year, Walters “labeled teachers unions as terrorist organizations and said that radical leftists have turned schools into an ‘Epstein island’ of sexual predators, as he has waged a verbal war against what he sees as a dangerous ‘woke ideology’ infecting public education,” the Wall Street Journal noted in a Jan. 31 profile of Walters.

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And you know you have raised the ire of leftist teachers unions and legacy media substantially when Moms for Liberty praises your work.

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