Video shows climate protesters throwing pink powder on case holding U.S. Constitution

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Climate activists dump pink powder over U.S. Constitution case
Climate activists dump pink powder over U.S. Constitution case

(DAILY CALLER) – Two climate activists were arrested at the National Archives on Wednesday after throwing a pink powder on the case that holds the U.S. Constitution.

Two individuals were shown on camera in the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom claiming the act was done to garner attention for climate change around 2:30 pm. In a video uploaded to Twitter, one of the individuals can be heard saying, “This country is founded on the conditions that all men are created equally … We are calling for all people to have all these rights, not just wealthy white men. We all deserve clean air, water, food, and a livable climate.”

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The Constitution is “sealed in the most scientifically advanced housing that preservation technology can provide”, according to the National Archives, and does not appear to have been damaged.

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