Pro-lifers hold prayer rally in response to ‘satanic’ statue at university

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'Satanic golden medusa' abortion statue (video screenshot)
‘Satanic golden medusa’ abortion statue (video screenshot)

(CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT) – Texas pro-lifers are rallying in prayer against a “satanic” statue on display at the University of Houston that a pro-life leader says is “advocating for abortion rights.”

The 18-foot tall golden statue, titled “Witness” by artist Shahzia Sikander, depicts a woman with braids twisted in the shape of ram horns. She is held up by a metal frame meant to proclaim her “authority in the world.”

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John Seago, president of Texas Right to Life, the group that organized the Feb. 28 prayer rally, told EWTN News Nightly on Tuesday that the commissioners of the statue are “embracing satanic imagery.” Ram horns are often associated with Satan and satanism in Western art.

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