America’s fertility rate hits record low as abortions hit record high

By Around the Web


(LIFENEWS) – America is aborting away its future. There’s no more glaring example of that than the fact that the fertility in the United States has hit a record low.

According to newly-released data from the Centers for Disease Control, America’s total fertility rate dropped to 1.62 births per woman last year, a 2% decline from the year before. That figure is below replacement rate, which means that Americans are not having enough children to replace people who are dying. Nation’s below replacement rates eventually experience massive social and economic problems ranging from an inability to support elderly people to worker shortages to higher rates of prostitution and sex trafficking.

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Meanwhile, the Planned Parenthood abortion business is killing more babies in America than ever before. Planned Parenthood just published its annual report, its own figures from the previous year. And when it comes to abortions, the new report shows the abortion business killed 392,715 babies in abortions killed in the last year. That’s a 5% increase from the 2021-2022 figures.

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