In this western nation, 90% of babies with Down Syndrome are killed in abortions

By Around the Web

Child with Down syndrome (Pexels)
Child with Down syndrome

(LIFENEWS) – Disability campaigners have called for MPs to urgently update abortion legislation after statistics released by NHS England this morning reveal that 87.26% of all babies prenatally diagnosed with Down’s syndrome in England and the Crown Dependencies were screened out by abortion in 2021.

The release of the statistics comes the same week as Sir Liam Fox, former GP, cabinet minister and defence secretary, has tabled an amendment to the Government’s Criminal Justice Bill, signed by 40 MPs, which will bring the abortion time limit for babies with Down’s syndrome in line with the time limit for babies that do not have disabilities.

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Don’t Screen Us Out has reacted to the publishing of the statistics by calling on MPs to urgently update legislation to ensure that babies with Down’s syndrome cannot be aborted up to birth.

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