Man buys $14,000 Cartier earrings for $14 after company posts price error on website

By Around the Web

(NBC NEW YORK) – Luxury jewelry maker Cartier isn’t known for giving stuff away, but in the case of one Mexican man, they pretty much did. Rogelio Villarreal was paging through Cartier’s web page in a moment of idleness when he came upon on offer that seemed too good to be true. “I broke out in a cold sweat,” he wrote on his account on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Cartier apparently had made a mistake and listed gold-and-diamond earrings for 237 pesos ($14), instead of the correct price, 237,000 pesos ($14,000). Villarreal ordered two sets.

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What followed was months of back and forth during which he says Cartier offered him a consolation prize instead of the jewelry, and during which Mexican officials backed his position that the company should honor the advertised price.

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