WATCH: Trump makes stunning announcement at Glendale, Arizona rally
Welcomed special guest Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Welcomed special guest Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
‘Never underestimate people who simply want to be left alone to live normal lives’
‘The party has declared war upon success, hard work and wealth accumulation’
‘No sentient human being could plausibly nod along to a comparison between Obama and Harris’
Democrats ‘have forgotten that 71% of Americans own stocks, bonds and mutual funds’
‘They have promoted outrageous policies that have negatively impacted the average citizen’
‘Harris’ support of such a debacle should give you chills and tears’
‘If Kamala bombs at her own debate … might they call upon even more direct methods of replacing her?’
‘May she spit out the poisonous Kool-Aid she is drinking’
‘This is mission-critical for every single believer’
Independent presidential candidate suspended his campaign on Friday and threw his support behind President Trump
Move comes amid concerns about anti-Israel protests
Disagrees with Dems ‘on most existential issues: censorship, war and chronic diseases’
‘Rested on our laurels’
Speculation is the Democrats knew they couldn’t fill seats otherwise
Conclusion documented in report that reveals eye-popping $18 trillion cost to the U.S.
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Says Democrats have ‘become the party of war, censorship, corruption’
‘We assure you that this Islamic law will be of great help in the promotion of virtue and the elimination of vice’
Biden-Harris repeatedly have attacked faith members who support life for the unborn