Social media start building bio of suspect in Trump assassination attempt
Reportedly convicted of possessing weapon of mass destruction
Reportedly convicted of possessing weapon of mass destruction
Talks about Putin as someone who doesn’t understand being ‘unselfish, generous’
Stunning percentage of deaths involve ‘incorrect, inappropriate or incomplete diagnoses’
The media continue to prove themselves as the enemy of the people
Poll shows 72% unhappy with their experiences, mostly because of a ‘lack of transparency and fairness’
‘If you try to stand up for your constitutional rights, we’ll come after you in more ways than just one’
A registered Democrat, his social media profiles suggest strong allegiance to Ukraine and a deep disdain for Trump
‘I have secretly recorded several conversations that will prove that the Harris Campaign insisted upon not only the Fact Checking of Donald Trump, but also insisted on what questions were not to be asked under any circumstances or else …’
‘Secret Service agent opened fire at suspected person with weapon while Trump was golfing’
‘The elites don’t get it. Trump was winning. They liked Kamala’s style. The American people like Trump’s substance, and substance beats style when you’re picking a president’
Top U.S. senator flays vice president: ‘She’s the one that promised in her first campaign for president that she would decriminalize illegal immigration, that she would grant a mass amnesty, that she would give illegal aliens health care at taxpayer expense’
‘Calling abortion health care because it involves doctors and drugs is like calling the death penalty health care because it also involves doctors and drugs’
‘Anyone who holds to a traditional sexual ethic, or who has a moral objection to abortion, or who simply voted for Donald Trump fits the category of an extremist’
Stop enabling your high-spending mother-in-law
Dave Ramsey