E.U. releases alarming report: Europe is too ‘white’ and ‘European’

(HOT AIR) – The European populist movement and its recent successes, combined with the increasing intransigence and outright hostility of the Central Eastern European block (CEE) countries to dictates and threats from Brussels, must have really struck a nerve with the overlords of the European Union.

Scrambling for an explanation of what, to them, seemed to be a sudden rebellion in the formerly malleable peasant ranks, the ruling class decided to task the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) with the production of a document explaining the unwelcome phenomena.

The report, which dropped yesterday, is an astounding masterpiece of projection and natural gas. Europe’s problems, the ECFR concludes, have nothing to do with the sacrosanct status of the European Union and their dictatorial, authoritarian wielding of power.

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