Warning issued as U.N. plans to make people who believe in real science criminals

A warning has been issued in a column in the Federalist that the United Nations has a scheme to make criminals out of people who believe in science, who say men and women are different.

It is Stefano Gennarini, a vice president for legal studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights who has noted the looming U.N. treaty “that weaponizes international criminal law against opposition to transgender policy.”

He describes it as a “parting gift” from Joe Biden to the U.S. and the world as the aging Democrat has agreed to advance the ideology that it is a “crime against humanity,” or “a “gender-based persecution” for politicians who deliberately “misgender” someone.

Misgendering is when someone calls a man a man, when the man wants to be called a woman.

The U.N. General Assembly recently set up a timeline for a plan already condemned by the Vatican to finalize those criminal prosecutions as early as 2029.

The Rome Statute now defines gender as “the two sexes, male and female, within the context of society,” but the report said “Western countries” are getting closer to their goal of simply avoiding that, by using domestic courts “to prosecute citizens who commit crimes against humanity … .”

The new scheme drops the definition of gender, a move which, the report said, includes the “legal effect” of enshrining “an open definition of gender as a social construct in international criminal law.”

It would advance the ideology already being used in the European Union and various U.N. agencies to use “gender persecution” for categories including LGBT issues, misgendering, abortion and more.

(Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

“With the new treaty, Western leftists want to label anyone who publicly opposes gender ideology as an international criminal — an enemy of humanity. They want the crime of gender persecution to include things such as denying children cross-sex hormones and surgeries, not recognizing same-sex marriage or adoption, laws against LGBT propaganda in schools, women-only sports, and even denial of abortion,” the report said.

Such actions already are being pursued by prosecutors of the International Criminal Court, the report said.

“Even more troubling, the Biden administration has already praised the weaponization of gender persecution in order to promote social engineering on LGBT issues,” it said.

The report noted U.N. staffer Emily Kenney has claimed the greatest obstacle to that gender-based persecution is that it is nearly invisible, and the result is “introducing gender ideology in the crimes against humanity framework calls into question every aspect of social, political, and economic life as a potential crime against humanity, to the point that even victims can’t tell they are victims.”

That, the warning said, could result in “the arbitrary exercise of police power and is a license for the kind of political persecution of opponents seen in totalitarian regimes.”

The article noted, “The woke ruling regime in the West is building a web to control people’s lives and actions — and even their thoughts. They have done it through censorship and propaganda on social and traditional media around the world. In the United Kingdom, they are arresting people for expressing the wrong kinds of opinions about sexuality, including protesting silently outside abortion clinics and preaching what the Bible says about sexual morality.

“Now they want to use international criminal law to police the way everyone thinks.”

Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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