Civilization vs. savagery: Gaza is latest chapter
‘Peace is always temporary, a respite bought with the blood of patriots’
‘Peace is always temporary, a respite bought with the blood of patriots’
‘In every state, their strongholds are the welfare plantations’
‘Combat helmets & flak jackets would make ideal bar- and bat-mitzvah gifts in preparation for what’s coming’
‘Obama’s eight years in office saw the triumph of appeasement and cultural Marxism’
Don Feder says party politicians only care about the elite, not the deplorables
Don Feder relates how founding document is unapologetically insurrectionist
Don Feder on victorious fat woman: 'Greatness comes from striving, not by being affirmed'
Don Feder asserts, 'Public education's established religion doesn't like competition'
Don Feder asserts, 'Trump has the common touch the president lacks'
Don Feder: Biden has decided that votes in Michigan outweigh lives in the Jewish state
Don Feder calls gov't schools 'treason factories churning out a steady stream of anti-Americanism'
Don Feder exclaims, 'April 15 should be a National Day of Mourning'
Don Feder tracks how increasing levels of unbelief among voters helps Democratic Party
Don Feder on latest trend: 'Farmers know manure when they smell it'
Don Feder notes, 'His anger might be the only thing about the president that's real'
Don Feder says upbeat South Carolina senator is a great complement to Trump
Don Feder battles the notion that limiting population is the key to economic growth
Don Feder asserts, 'The end of American civilization is at hand. And we did it to ourselves'
Kamala continues to conceal her whereabouts on January 6
Jack Cashill