More ‘counterinsurgency’ madness
BYDiana West: 'Moderates' in Islamic world are as common and/or as reliable as unicorns
Diana West: 'Moderates' in Islamic world are as common and/or as reliable as unicorns
Diana West looks askance at suggestions defector from Islamism gave Megyn Kelly
Diana West on Ferguson media circus: 'The nation's top cop is ringmaster'
Diana West decries administration's reaction to 'isolated incident' that killed general
Diana West envisions future conversation among people wearing burqas, living in caves
Diana West notes both nations have been indicted via 'war on children' propaganda
Diana West: 'You like your community? Well, you can't keep your community'
Diana West urges House members not to act on Obama's $4 billion request
Diana West decries Obama administration's 'assault on U.S. sovereignty'
Diana West: We are undergoing a war against the existence of the USA as a nation-state
Diana West notes latest brand of interventionism has term 'liberal' attached to it
Diana West on child illegals: 'There is an undeniable genius to this form of border attack'
Diana West covers university's rejection of traditionalist student group
Diana West: Nation 'is on life support, and Joe Citizen is its permanent IV'
Diana West explains how Bill helped degrade nation via 'sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll'
Diana West defends Commie-exposing senator from Victor Davis Hanson comparison
Diana West tells of admiral working on truce who got word from high up to stand down
Diana West rips 'bureaucratically grotesque and anti-democratic Brussels monolith'
Diana West shines light on 'dhimmi' university un-inviting woman fighting Muslim violence
Diana West hails Swiss for tightening immigration, notes opposite trend in America
Diana West: As utopians withdraw, dust of tribal Islam settles in Iraq, Afghanistan
Diana West asserts rhetoric used to tell story doesn't add up
Unearthed: Excerpt from Joe Biden’s memoirs
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