Thomas Sowell
The stakes are high for America, not just Virginia
BYThomas Sowell decries classroom propaganda that 'teaches black kids to hate white people'
The irrelevance of truth in an age of indoctrination
BYThomas Sowell: For many people, what is true or false depends on who it helps or hurts politically
Why blacks should vote GOP: Charter schools
BYThomas Sowell highlights the impact of teachers unions' millions going to Democrats
Race, rhetoric and results
BYThomas Sowell explains why he had more opportunity as a black teen than those of today
Fact-free politics and mythical catchwords
BYThomas Sowell: Never have I encountered a creature called a 'climate change denier'
The immorality of Dems’ hatred of charter schools
BYThomas Sowell: Denying kids chance for good education 'is a new low, even for politicians'
‘Tax cuts for the rich’ blather
BYThomas Sowell lists administrations in which lowering rates brought in more revenue
The real lessons of Middlebury College
BYThomas Sowell: Professors' 'cheap shot dismissals' play into students' riotous behavior
Chance to save a painfully failing U.S. education system
BYThomas Sowell reveals why Trump pick Betsy Devos is coming under heavy fire
America has been fooled by ‘diversity’ fraud
BYThomas Sowell: 'Nothing so epitomizes politically correct gullibility of our times'
Will GOP put bipartisanship above Constitution?
BYThomas Sowell: Trump Cabinet picks are 'of a higher caliber than usual'
Leftists pay no price when they’re wrong
BYThomas Sowell: Innumerable decisions have been taken out of the hands of those affected
The case of the missing black punters
BYThomas Sowell: Race disparities among NFL kickers exceed that in virtually any other job
Backward-looking ‘progressives’
BYThomas Sowell: Liberal policies can do nothing to change someone's past childhood
Another smackdown of smug elite
BYThomas Sowell: Both GOP establishment, Trump need some 'serious introspection'
Trump or Clinton: Which is more dangerous?
BYThomas Sowell: GOP nominee 'can be impeached if he oversteps the bounds'
Whoever wins, America loses
BYThomas Sowell: 'The political left's hatred of Donald Trump is ironic'
The courage to differentiate between immigrants
BYThomas Sowell: Some newcomers seek to bring the very cultures that led them to flee
The left uses the masses and abuses the facts
BYThomas Sowell puts 'the Marxian exploitation thesis to a test'
Leftists’ duty: Steal other people’s options
BYThomas Sowell: Progressive 'know-it-alls' harm students by imposing their policies
Feel-good leftists & the havoc they wreak
BYThomas Sowell: 'Their crusades have hurt the very people they claim to be helping'
The media can’t seem to find a left-wing label for Kamala
Tim Graham