A coalition of retired French military officers is warning that civil war could come to the European nation because its government is failing to control mass migration and “creeping Islamism.”
In a letter, the leaders pointed to the problems of cultural Marxism, runaway multiculturalism and the growth of no-go zones, neighborhoods where it is unsafe for non-Muslims to venture, noted Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.
The letter came after a series of Islamic terror attacks, including the beheading of a teacher.
Kern explained there is “widespread public indignation over a French justice system compromised by political correctness — as evidenced by the refusal to prosecute an African immigrant from Mali who, while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘Allah is the Greatest’), killed an elderly Jewish woman by breaking into her home and pushing her off her balcony.”
The letter was published by the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles. The reaction has pushed conservative National Rally leader Marine Le Pen ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron in polling before next year’s election.
The letter said: “The hour is grave. France is in peril. … We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, under the present circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country.”
The military leaders wrote that the country is in the middle of a “disintegration.”
“Disintegration which, through a certain type of anti-racism, has a single goal: to create division, even hatred, between communities on our soil. Today, some speak of racialism, indigenism and decolonial theories, but by using these terms, hateful and fanatic partisans are trying to spark a racial war. They despise our country, her traditions, and her culture, and, by attempting to erase her past and her history, want to see her relegated to the dustbin of history. With this objective, they destroy statues and twist centuries-old words and phrases, all to overturn our past military and civilian glories.”
They said Islamism “and the suburban hordes” have transformed parts of the nation “into territories that are subject to dogmas contrary to our Constitution.”
They warn of the danger of having districts “where the laws of the Republic do not apply.”
“Violence is increasing day by day. Who could have predicted, ten years ago, that a teacher would one day be beheaded as he was leaving his school?” they wrote.
They say that existing laws must be enforced by officials who must give up their “cowardice and guilty silence.”
The government issued an angry rebuke, with Prime Minister Jean Castex calling the comments “contrary to all of our republican principles.”
Le Pen endorsed the letter but also stressed that change must come through a democratic political process, not through military intervention.
“As a citizen and as a politician, I subscribe to your analysis and share your grief. Like you, I believe that it is the duty of all French patriots, wherever they come from, to stand up for the recovery and even, let’s say it, the salvation of the country,” she said.
A new poll showed the military leaders have support.
A Harris Interactive survey carried out for LCI television on April 29 found that 58% support the letter. Almost one in two (49%) said that the army should intervene to guarantee order, even without a request by the government.
Also, 86% agreed with the statement that in certain towns and districts, the laws of the Republic are not applied, and 84% agreed that violence grows day by day in France.
There have been at least nine Islamic terror attacks in France in recently. on April 23, a 36-year-old Tunisian who entered France illegally in 2009, but was granted French residency in December 2020, stabbed to death a 49-year-old female administrative employee at a police station in Rambouillet.
Kern noted the beheading was last October, “when an 18-year-old Chechen migrant beheaded Samuel Paty, a 47-year-old teacher of history and geography, in Éragny, a suburb of Paris.”
The attack was triggered, Kern said, by a 13-year-old truant Muslim girl, who, eager to prevent her father from discovering that she had been suspended from school, fabricated a story that Paty had instructed Muslim students to leave the classroom so that he could show the rest of the class “a photograph of the Prophet naked.”
Kern noted the Muslim population of France is currently estimated at around 6 million, or roughly 9% of the total population.
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